Sunday, January 20, 2008

Of Beards Pointy and Vigorous


i will tell you
a little story
about a man
who lived
in a hut
and he had a magic book
and every time he touched it
he got "excited"
(Like an electron!) because he was touching
"walt whitman"
and one day
walt took him to the store
and they careened
and touched
many people
and a mexican guy
at the watermelons
and they touched all the food
so that they would touch all the people
who bought the food after-
and they derived much pleasure from it
and then they touched
each other
and it was exciting
and they exploded
in a pulsar
and they say
that if your heart is pure
and your beard long
if you go out on a clear night
and point your beard up at the night sky
you can feel them
touching you
(in the fleshy part)
the end


1 comment:

Kelsey said...

This story touches me every time. :')