Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nikolas University.

Founded in 2042, with monies from Mr. Z, head of Nikolasco.

1200 faculty, with 388 Nobel laureates.

5 lab buildings, with a hospital and a particle accelerator.

12,000 enrollment.

Median scores:
GPA 3.95/4.65
SAT 2380
ACT 35

Admission 4.2%

356 Nobel Prize winners
82 heads of state

Located in scenic Stockholm.

Nine-hundred Plosts contained within - the Plost being of course the unit of plot, as measured in utils, that is the ratio of plot to utility, for the plot of this blog post, which had no plot, or plosts, but is now naturally reaching the equilibrium point, and gaining plot, and plosts, due to Le Chatelier's Law, which is a principle you will learn if you go to Nikolas University.

Apply today!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

*will apply tomorrow*