Yea, indeede, that in theire youthe, the Desmond and the Nikoulasse didde indeede studie for a great deale undere the instruction of the greate Hystorie teachere, yea, it wausse goode. And, one fyne daye, there wausse indeede a greate assignmente, yea, it wausse involvynge manie researches and the construcktion of a greate assourtmente of artifackts, yea, and the instrucktionalle posteres, and they didde prepayre a greate and lenghtie speeche, yea, and it wausse aboute the Hystorie, and it wausse goode. And yea, the goode people in the amphitheatre didde assemble into groupes, and yea, Desmond and Nikoulasse didde fourme a groupe, yea, there werre three people who werre unknowne to theme, and yea, it wausse mysteriouse, and vexing, and strange, and yea, they didde worke together on the projecte for manie monthes, and in the ende, they construckted a greate and bizarre showe, and it didde entaileth a greate assourtmente of wonderfulle thinges, and it wausse goode. And yea, latere that daye, they didde presente the showe to the classe, and it wausse goode.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The Chronicles of Desmond, Chapter 66: The Studying of the History
Thermobarically ignited by
Kelsey Higham
to the temperature of
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