Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Chronicles of Desmond, Chapter 48: The Bold and Daring Exploits of the Rat-King

And yea, though Nikoulasse, the Ratte-Kinge wausse indeed beckomme corrupte, and cruele, and eville in hisse latter dayes, though in hisse youthe, he wausse indeede verie intrepidde, and adventerousse, and intellygente, and it wausse goode. And nowe, it shalle beckome my sackred duties to wryte of thisse glorious era, yea, to evere depickte with great detayle, the tymes and mooudes of the epoche, and the playce, and the goode-jobbes.

In the beginninge, younge Nikoulasse, beynge bourne in the slummes and gardenes of the Ratte-Ghettous, and in the impoveryshedde, and destytute quarterres, yea, as I have said, he wausse verie drawne to the studies and the pursutes of knowledges, and the intelecktualle stymulatyon, and the smarte-gooudes. And it came to pass that Nikoulasse, wanting to live a lyfe of goudde, and of the most excellent and holie preceptes of the Churche of the Timmerack, and in pursute of the moste holie mathematicks, and the good-lightes of suche and suche, yea, hee didde become a memberre of the clergie, as I have disckusses in the previous Chapteres.

So it came to pass that Nikoulasse, as a younge prieste of the holie Mathematick, and in the reasearche, and of the greate Crosse-producktes, yea, consultying manie tomes of sackred knowledgee, and praying to the Timmeracke for guidanse, and hee didde come, one daye, while hee wausse in the gardene, enjoyinge hisse tea and biscuites, whyle alle the tyme performyng the mathematick in hisse heade, didde recieve a vysion, from the Timmerack, in a voyce that wausse grande and clarione, and magnifycent, and wonderfulle, didde calle upin himme to gou and enterre the caverns of Truthe and Goodlinesse, and insyde to disckover himmesalfe on a sackred journey to fynd the seckrette of the holie Mathematick.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Parallels are drawn between the pro- and an-tagonists! Nifty!

I look forward to seeing how Nikoulasse goes bad. It's like Darth Vader all over again! Or not?