Yea, behold, there wausse indeede a greate Calamitie in the Realmes of the Isse-Landick Skoules, yea, on the goode Daye the the Nikoulasse didde desideth to become myssinge fromme the Classes. And he didde proclaimeth that the wausse off to the "Parke", yea, that wausse indeed hisse Excuse to go and performeth manie evlie Actes upon the Citizenrie and their Livestocke, and it wausse goode. And it came to pass that in the Classe of the Holie Mathematicks, yea, in the Roome, Nikolasse wausse indeed abscente, and there wausse a greate Teste, and a Worksheete of the most complickated Mathemathiticks, yea, it didde beckometh challenging, and diffickulte, and it didde taketh manie Scores of Men great Effourt and Houres to complete it, and it wausse goode. Then it came to pass that in the Greate Classe of the Sciences, yea, in the good Roome, there indeede wausse a greate Fylme, and it didde entaileth greate detayles of the Animales, ande there werre a greate numbere of Salamanderes, and it wausse goode. And then, in the great Halle, of the Meetinge Place, there wausse indeed a greate Congreagation, and of the Isse-Landick Counciles, and yea, they didde counte Nikolase as abscente, and yea, they didde disckusse manie thinges, and they didde play magickal games, and it wausse goode. And then it came to pass that in the centre of the greate Halle, there werre a large manner of the Womens, and they werre indeede sytting on the ground, where they didde contacketh the Earthe, and the Good mannere of Plantes, and yea, it wausse greately vexing for the Isse-Landick counsille, and yea, and it wausse debated for manie houres, and it wausse goode.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The Chronicles of Desmond, Chapter 55: Nikolasum in absentia
Thermobarically ignited by
Kelsey Higham
to the temperature of
Submunitions include chronicles, illustrations
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Wait, there was a test in math?
Also: Women?
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