Saturday, April 07, 2007

ATTN: Kessler RE: Wiimote w/ Compy

How you do it?


Kelsey said...

I already posted it. I assure you that it would have been faster to look for it than to post about it, which is why I will force you to do so now.

Please refrain from posting in the future. Everything you've said so far has consisted of
A. Repeating Internet fads of which David has already informed us,
B. Engaging in a discussion which really doesn't involve you at all, and which you didn't read extensively about in the first place (I have reason to believe that Nick recruited you somehow, given your timing and position on the matter), and now
C. Requesting information which has already been stated, and is very easy to find regardless due to the search mechanism and tagging.

Cavalcadeofcats said...

Kelsey, no need to be so hostile. It's true that this post isn't really needed (it should have been an e-mail direct to you), but that's no reason to shun him and debar him from ever posting again. His Interfad post wasn't the very best (there ever was), it's true, but it's a valid first post, and on several levels I think superior to the Hobo Chronicles. (Please God, never give me reason to refer to those again.) Give the dude a break.

And no I did not recruit him. The dude came over here after I posted that 1.5 page comment on Internet Democracy to look at it. What he says and does otherwise is his own business.

Oh, yeah. I just went searching for the wiimote thing now to test your point, and couldn't really find it - the closest I came was MiiTransfer X, which is related but not exactly the same thing. So again, you overreacted.

(The thing is here, I think:

D McGhie said...

I have to agree with nick here.

Kelsey Higham said...

Yeah, I tend to side with these guys. He has only posted a total of two things. We can't judge him based on that. Now, if he only posted spam for a while, then we may have just cause. But now, we should see what he has to offer.

Maraj said...

Well, you weren't on Gchat, and you seemed to be active over here, so I posted here. *shrug* I see no particular fault.

Also: I like to think that I did, y'know, read extensively on it, given as I read all of your damn arguments on the matter first? Yeah.

Additionally, leave my damn TRAP BALLS PYLONS obsession alone. <_<

Maraj said...

On review: As far as I can tell, you didn't post it. Prove me wrong if you will; otherwise, I'll just wander off.

Kelsey said...

I apologize for being hostile, but the fact that he, much like Nick, was not aware of the fact that David was also against posting real names online, arouses suspicion. Internet Democracy wasn't the only post which contained arguments.

Paragraph 2: I'll hold off on judging your posts until you post some more, but the Hobo Chronicles are superior to PYLON TRAP BALLS in that
1. They consist of original material, and
2. Jeltharo hasn't already forwarded them to everyone.

Wasn't Mii Transfer X the exact thing he wanted? I was under the impression that he wanted a way to stick Miis onto the computerbox. Since MTX is an OS X application, I posted a link to, where you can find plenty of info on the Windows equivalent(s).