Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Series of Ridiculity

First off, we have IT'S OVER NINE THOUUUUUUSAND!!!

Next, there's THE BALLS ARE INERT.

A fusion of silliness, PYLON TRAP BALLS rounds out the trio.

Or, if you prefer a DDR version, this could be amusing.

On a completely unrelated note, Missile Defense In 30 Seconds is also amusing.

Now...what would happen if you fused Missile Defense with Pylon Trap Balls? It's genius!

Oh, and for those that have played (or at least started playing) Fire Emblem 8, Why Won't Valter Die parts 1 and 2 are awesome.


D McGhie said...

I've seen the majority of those.

Kelsey Higham said...

100th post!