And nowe, the Ratte-Kinge wausse verliy happie in hisse neue posytion asse the King of the Ratte-Empire, and yette, hee wausse indeede destined to falle, and to consume hisse excrement, as all Rattes must dou. Nowe, in the Kingdom, clovds of disastere loummed. And yea, the ratte-Kinge's slow descente into madnesse was imminent.
At the firste, the Ratte-Kinge wausse a noble and just Kinge of hisse peoples, and yea, he didde rule wisely and with a sage-like mannere. And it came to passe, that at one of hisse manie and frequente parties (for he wausse indeed verie jocund), he didde invite his counsels and magistrates fromme all ackrosse the lande, and yea, they camme in droves, and yea, much funne wausse hadde on the Magick Teleportation Boxxe, and also the Magick Dragon King, and indeed, one game didde stand oute abouve the resste. A favourite of all hisse many chieftalins and viscounts, this game involved a Magick charoiut, and that the lords and ladies did guide with their waundes, and they didde try to obstryuckt each other's pathes, for this was a commom occurence the Ratte-Empire, and yea, a goode time wausse hadde by alle.
And yette, despite the goode-tymes and lively atmosphere of the partie, it wausse indeed where King Nikoulasse did apporache his breakying pointe. The stresses and pressures of rulyinge the Kingdom wausse indeed putting greate troubles on the Ratte-Kinge, and yea, he wausse distraught. But when one of the locale magistrates, who didde try to winne the favour of the Kinge, didde supplie as the vittles on the partie surphace, and yea, didde beringe manie wounderfulle and exotick foodestuffes from hisse houmetoun, which wausse Ice-Lande (He hadde come to the Ratte-Empire to seek a carreer in arm-polyshing, and the Ratte-Empyre being the prime spotte with for the universities and expertes on the mattere), and Nikoulasse, begin of avertioun to this streange foodes, it didde upsette himme verie muche. Ande this magistrate, who had tried to gain his Favour, now didde inckur his wrathe, and it wausse goode.
Thus, at the conclusion of the partie, when the festivities and the jocundity wausse stopped, Nikoulasse didde mamage to passe off the offensive foodstufes to the Magistrate from the Far Northe, who was kindhearted enough to accept the burden of burying such foul-materiales. But the dammage wausse done. From that pointe onne, he wasse inclined as to for hisse generalle distaste for Ice-Lande, and yea, the people who do comme for msuch Regione, and it wausse Goode.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Chronicles of Desmond, Chapter 25: The Rise and Fall of the Rat-King: Part II
Thermobarically ignited by
Kelsey Higham
to the temperature of
Submunitions include chronicles
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An excellent implementation of the "backstory" storitelling element!
Quite so.
Also, 'it was good'?
And it amuses me that this fulfills my request that other retell the party from their perspective. Even though this is a somewhat... unusual... perspective.
yes you could say that,
and is the magic dragon, puff the magic dragon?
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