I have spaketh of Desmond and his Epick tayles, and yea being it so, I have made manie grievous an errour, as being of the fackts that I have notte once paussed and to explaineth the origines of the Ratte-Kinge. And, yea, beinge that I hath notte elabourated quite throughlie on the subjeckt of the Ratte-Kinge, as thusse, it becomes my sacred dutie to do such.
The Ratte-Kinge wasse bourne in moste humbel circkumstances, and hee wausse indeed a memberre of the loweste Ratte-Caste. His birtheplace, which wausse indeed surrounded by Ratte-dunge, dide notte forboude of his latter meteoroic risse to the grandeste possytion in alle of the lande. Hisse birthe-nayme, it being Galgamothe, and as suche the younge Rattelinge, did takke it upoun it himmeselfe one daye to becomme an intellecktuale typpe, as this wasse rarelie donne in those dayes of Ratte-timme, and thus even lesse kommon in the Ratte-Slummes, where younge Galgamothe lyved. Being it thus, hee did seek enlightement through the holie churche, and he did become a scribe, after manie yeares of harde worke and dedication to the holie churche. And yea, one daye he did praye in the prayer halle, and yea, the Holie Timmeracke-Angelle did descende unto himme, and yea, hee did shough younge Galgamothe the way of the Mathematicks, and the way of the vecktorres, and thusse, he didde becomed enlightened.
Howeverre, as younge Galgamothe soone disckovered, the most sackred Mathematycks that hee didde learne from the Timmeracke wasse in vayne, as he cound not descipherre it at the rapide payce that the Timmeracke explayned to himme. And yea, hee wausse disckouraged, but his dittermanation perserverred, and hee didde cotinue to praye, in orderre to disckoverre the holie mathematicks of the vecktorres, and yea one fine daye, under the instruction of his clergie elderres, and his tutour in the instrucktione of fine and advasnced mathematics, and that of the Holie Sigmata, and of the Seriesata, that he didde becomed enlightened enoughe to comprehende the sacred Mathematicks, and yea, with this new knowledges, hee didde sette oute to risse up in the socyal order, partickularly with the aid of the Church, and yea, he did becomme a powerful marchante, and yea, hee didde prosper for manie yeares, and it wausse goode.
And it came to pass, that the proude and brave Galgamothe, who didde become the Ratte-Hero, through the Chruch and the holie mathematics, which were the Gateway to the Timmerack, and of which Galgamothe was masterre, did become the Kinge, and he didde choose his Royale name to be King Nikoulasse I, of the Most Holie and Wounderfulle Empyre of the Rattes.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The Chronicles of Desmond, Chapter 24: The Rise and Falle of the Ratte-Kinge: Part I
Thermobarically ignited by
Kelsey Higham
to the temperature of
Submunitions include chronicles
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Um. So, this is... more complimentary than I expected. I thought I was a villain?
Also, I see I reminded you about Galgamoth. You retconned him to be one and the same, which is cool.
All in all, full praise. And full confusion.
Perhaps a sequel is upcoming, in which the Ratte-Kinge's descent into antagoniscence is documented. Or perhaps it turns out that Desmond is the REAL villain!
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