Monday, November 05, 2007


The terrifying Vsepr rule the night-world Eridani IV. Human colonies have come and gone; swallowed up in the eternal darkness. The vsepr remain.

The Vsepr are not like us. They do not use metals; nay, nor do they use salt, or acids, or bases. They only use molecular compounds - dread buckyball chains compose their skeletons, outgassings of sulfur and flouride regularly issue from their hideous vents. In all ways are they incompatible with mankind.

And they loathe us for it. You might think that they would be able to live alongside us; to coexist with our ionic and metallic bonds, our space-craft and dinner salt. No! They cannot. They are the greatest of xenophobes, cowards and fanatics in one. When a colony ship arrives - bam! They strike. The colony ship is at once enveloped in pi bonds and ripped asunder - shattered like an eggshell. Thousands perish.

It's not really nice - but that's what you get, when you tamper with the domain of the terrifying Vsepr.


Kelsey said...

I was totally going to complain that "vespr" was already taken, but poof, you solve the problem and save the day!

Cavalcadeofcats said...

It was a mispelling. Sorry! Wiki knows all... and tells me that vsepr=vespr. Well, that makes me feel better.