Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Birthday of a Great Leader

Great Leader David Zhang led our people to a new age of prosperity. He is the Beloved Father Of Our Nation, the Champion of the Working Man, the Enlightener of Spirit. So it is natural that the occasion of his birth's anniversary is a matter of some moment.

Many of our people wondered what should be done upon this most momentous occasion. One, braver than most, suggested that he be given new shoes; shoes to shine like stars, shoes of the ultimate tact and quality!

This was not accepted.

On another occasion, a group of loyal admirers gathered to sing praises to him. This was refused with some embarrassment. On the conclusion of the singing, the Beloved Leader fled on his space rocket-motorbike, and the admirers were left to cast their heads in sheepish shame.

This was better, but still a failure.

Then we were left to fall back on the traditional alternative. It would be a great gala; a nationwide celebration of David Zhang's birth. The firecrackers would deafen men and blind Heaven. It would be spectacular.

This Saturday! Bring your friends! Also, maybe food? That would be cool too.

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