Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Are you ready for action... or possibly lame jokes?

1 What did the world-champion weight lifter ask for at the seafood restaurant?
2 What do you get when you cross a chicken with a messy room?
3 Why do you put film in the fridge?
4 What can you use to put a slice of pizza back in the pie?
5 What did the policeman say to his belly?
6 Why should you never take a Pokémon in the restroom with you?
7 What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?


D McGhie said...

1 The mussels!
2 A scrambled egg!
3 To get cool pictures of course.
4 Tomato paste.
5 "You're under a vest!"
6 Because it could PIKACHU.
7 Every morning you will rise and shine.

D McGhie said...

My favorite is number 6.

Cavalcadeofcats said...

Sir, you are what you have always been.

Kelsey said...