Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Webcomic Update

I've spared you for a few months, but now it's time for a WEBCOMICS UPDATE!

Firstly, some notes on webcomics that I have blagged previously: Hitherby Dragons has been on hiatus for many months. It's... dead. Inverness finished this Monday. There are some post-epilogue pages going up supposedly but it's basically over. Some of the others have been odd but by default they're as awesome as they were when I linked you to them last. (Starslip Crisis is actually even cooler. It is doing neat things right now. )

Now, some new things. Things so non-Mormonic that even their excellence was not enough for me to present them to you before. (When Devin was in the same state.) Mormons, shield your eyes. For the rest, I present:

-Something Positive (it's in the link page, actually, but I don't know why)
-Fans (I'm actually reading this right now - over the last few days - it used to be subscription-restricted, but it's been finished for two-and-a-half years now)
-Demonology 101 (finished for even longer than that - I read it years ago, liked it)
-CRFH (Stopped reading a while ago but I should really resume - starts silly, gets serious)
-Perry Bible Fellowship (the name decieves)
-Goats (early stuff is VERY ODD, current stuff is pretty neat)
-Questionable Content (milder than the name might imply)
-Slumbering Lungfish/Bad Gods (this is really quite non-Mormonic - very funny, though)
-Roomies/It's Walky (by the Shortpacked guy; both started silly, got serious - only IW is really NSFW)
-Anacrusis (like Hitherby Dragons)

That's all I can think of for the moment. Stay tuned! Because I do know you love these posts so.

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