Sunday, August 26, 2007

Recent Events

There are three things of note that have happened, or will happen, within a day of this day. One happened a day ago; one will happen a day from now; and one yet unfolds. I will speak of each, in turn.

Yesterday, we did go to see the movie Stardust. It was good; though it was hard to avoid criticizing it for the differences between it and the novel upon which it was based. Also, we pointed and laughed a lot. (Unintentional humour.) But it was enjoyable, and David says that it's a "good date movie" (he brought Kelsey), so hey, go watch it.

Tomorrow, we shall go to the School. Shall I go; and shall Kelsey go; and David; and even Ethan, sibling of mine, most hairy and funny of creatures. Even he shall go, and see the schooling-place, and there be schooled. In the senior year, all schedules are strange, and alien, and there are many 'holes'; but that is as expected.

And today - or tonight, I should say, considering the hour of my writing - the Gods war in thei lofty heavens. Yea, do they tremble, as Cthulu battles Zeus battles Odin battles Ra for dominance.

The Enterprise is right out.

Post-Script: Be on the lookout for falling God-chunks.


Kelsey Higham said...

dude i resent that kelsey thing ("date movie" indeed.) anyway, it's gotten old and it was never really funny. please stop that.

Kelsey said...

I thought it was a clever twist on an old joke. :/

D McGhie said...

Ya the old joke being Matthew and David.