Thursday, July 26, 2007

Of the Great Oyster Empire

This is Major Desmond Q. Matthew, Commanding officer of the 5th company, 12th batallion, 7th Divison of the Royal Pure Bloodline Oyster Militant Defence Organisation. Division seven. Founded to destroy egg-squanderes and insurgents, communists, agitators. Led by Major General Nicholas Flyingberger. The sharp killing machine arm of the military. Today's mission: find and destroy a contingent of egg-unproductive oysters in the western quarters, section 239R. We brought out sheaths and our shields, but nothing was enought to stop the radicals. This is what happened.


We shot, we rained metal and they rained flesh and blood. But they could never be stopped. They regenerated too quickly for us to destroy. Their lead hearts blocked futile bullets. We were down to our last gunners.

But they died too.

And now I sit here, in the shadows, in the storms of the sea, waiting. For something. Anything.