Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This was also Kelsey's idea.

Kelsey: LOL!

17:28 me: 着く次第ペ**のサンドを食べる
Kelsey: The sand of the circumstance p**** which arrives is eaten
17:29 You should write a story on that.
me: LオL
Kelsey: Then change 'p****' to 'Desmond' at the last minute.
me: 。。。
17:30 Kelsey: You know, for censorship.
Censorship is important.

One day, a brave adventurer packed up his knapsack and set off on his grand aeroplane to the desert, where he crash-landed...on his crotch. "Oh, man this circumstance sucks!" he exclaimed as he fell into a sand dune, whimpering in pain.



Cavalcadeofcats said...

Hooray for brave Kelsey, and his circumstance!

D McGhie said...


Kelsey said...

Duuuuude! You wrote about a p**** circumstance, not a circumstance p****!