Saturday, July 14, 2007

Brian in the Wilderness

There was once a large beetle, named Brian. Brian lived in the thriving city of Bangkok. He preyed on smaller beetles on the many heaps of trash throughout Bangkok. Brian was a very happy beetle!

One day, though, Brian did a very bad thing. On a great holiday, celebrating Thailand's independence, the patron deity of the city, Vishnu, walked the streets. He was very pleased with what he saw, and blessed the city in the spirit of the day. Then suddenly Vishnu felt a pain in his ankle! He looked down, and saw Brian there, biting him viciously. Silly Brian! Deities aren't food!

Vishnu was very angry. This wasn't in the spirit of the day at all! To Brian, he said, "For ruining the celebration, I curse you. You will be killed, staked up, and embalmed in a small case for all of time. This shall be your punishment." Then Vishnu left in a very bad mood!

Brian was not very happy! What was to become of him now? Fearfully, he hid in a corner. But a souvenir vendor found him! He was killed, staked up, and embalmed in a small case. Then he was sold to an American tourist and shipped across the Pacific, where he rested in the same place, in the corner of a dimly-lit room, for many, many years.

Moral: Don't destroy the spirit of Thai Independence Day!

Post-Script: He's kind of smelly, actually. It's the preservatives.


Kelsey Higham said...

is that your father

Kelsey said...

I always love a story with a good moral!

David: Brian is his dad's name, yeah.

Kelsey Higham said...

was it a pleasing fungus beetle

D McGhie said...

Where can I get a beetle that bit Vishnu?