Saturday, May 03, 2008

the eclipse of the nikolas, return unto hisself

This is what happened.

One day, there was what was known as a "test", thus, we did be cumbred to "practise" for it. This is how the story begins. The chessler, desiring whelles, such that he may roll to the testing grounds, rather than slither, which he does normally, was called upon by me and I came and delivered unto a swift deliverance to the room of doom. Then, a few people showed up. The first person we saw was a womon, in the fairgrounds outside the main gate (which was bolted). Then we went in and found a few people. The test began, and we endeavoured to do the best that we could. I did okay on the thing. (got a 5). the chessler got a 4 I think? anyway, then, we went outside and chatted for a while and a gentleman offered to take us to a chop-bar, (about 5 of us there were) we, or course agreed, rather hastily, before we realised we had not monnies. Thus we drove for a while, and we reached a chop bar. So the gentleman and the lady ate some foodes, and there was a nother young girl among them, she was jew, and they ate hastily (the chessler and I did not eat any foods). The chessler and I came up with unique uses of deMorgan's laws and ways to pronounce words without moving, and also morse code. Thus, I endeavoured to ask the lady to a bowl, however, being a lamer, I did not, even as the gentleman released us back at the fairgrounds after the meal. Thusly I chased after their car, as they were moviegoing, and I arrested them, however, I did not act, and then they departed. However, the chessler realised he had left his pappers, in the carre, and using it as an excuse, I jetted to the theatre, but, it was a fruitless endeavour, and I did not find them.


Kelsey said...

An accurate summary!
Also: Yes 4!
Also: chessler yes

Cavalcadeofcats said...



I would have liked to visit the chop bar, I think, had I but known. But by then I'd probably already eaten.

I must hear more of the use of DeMorgan's Law.

Who was the gentleman, I must wonder? And what was the test?

A very intriguing post.