Friday, September 14, 2007

Resurrection of THE BAD JOKES!

1 What would you get if 700 stamps were running 100 miles per hour?
2 A stegosaurus could grow up to how many feet?
3 What do you get when you cross a camel and a whale?
4 Why don't oysters give to charity?
5 What do you call a bison in the back of a pickup truck?
6 What do you call 10 robbers on a surfboard?
7 What does a mother ghost say to her children when they get in the car?
8 Where does a duck go when it has the flu?


D McGhie said...

1 A stampede
2 Just the four
3 A humpback whale
4 Because they're shellfish
5 A buffaload
6 A crime wave
7 Put on your sheet belts
8 The ducktor

Kelsey Higham said...


Cavalcadeofcats said...

Return of the Devin! Oh the terror.

Kelsey said...