Sunday, September 02, 2007

Eight Months

We now enter the eighth month of this blog's existence. Truthfully, when I started it, I expected it to last no more than two weeks - or to never truly live at all, as with the forum started cotemporaneously. That I save the greatest measure of my comments and retrospective for the one-year mark - a mark I am confident this blag will survive to and, indeed, thrive to - is a mark of success greater than those words could now connote.

I would, however, say a few things. To my fellow authors (David, Kelsey): Praise! Upon your heads lies the greatest part of this blag - the collaborative and self-reinforcing element which keeps it living. To my loyal readers (Devin, Matthew, Ethan): Appreciation! It is your comments, kind or cruel, that keep me writing. To all involved: Contribute! Write, draw, create! Together we can create a stronger Unterblag.

That is all.


Maraj said...

Has it occurred to you that I'm not loyal at all?

Anonymous said...

Help me interpret that picture. It makes no sense.

D McGhie said...

I comment a lot, but that's about all I contribute.

Maraj said...

What the Matthias said.