Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Some shadow fiend
some wicked doppelganger
that pre-empts my every move
a raven the colour of night
that perches atop a tree with wintry swirls
stirred in the hell-broths of satan's realm
puffed like putrid lava fumes from the depths
and taking solid form in the cold emptiness of the black december night.

He is the cause
of everything bad
that has ever happened to me.

Is he that?
Tell me that.

Then he must die.

[today is not the day of her opening]

The poisoned roundel
will be greased and oiled
in foul venoms
of the dragon-serpent-puma
it will stab
into his heart
his back
his spleen

He will scream and cry out
writhe in pain
this potent poison shall o'ercrow him
he will fall
and twitch, once
his end will come
and he will move no more

And the children will dance
and frolick
and play in the fields and the meadows
and the days shall be a little bit brighter
food a little bit tastier
no fear quite so terrible
wars will end, and not begin again
women and men will meet together in peace
and laugh and shout and cheer
he is dead, he is dead, he is dead at last!

but it will be too late
for her
my love
my heart

[Annabel Lee]

1 comment:

Kelsey Higham said...

i was filled with a mortal dread