Monday, May 05, 2008

The Analects of Matthew: First Digitalization: Sega Genesis

The latter half of the second of the Elder Matthew Skowbo's letters, digitized to the diginets in the hopes of the facilitation of distribution, dissemination, and delivery (of responses).

LETTER 2 (second half):


Chapter 1
In the beginning, Timmeraque created the heaven [sic] and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void. And Mr. Timmeraque saw the earth, that it was goode. And Timmeraque said, Let us make man in our image. And Timmeraque formed man from the dust of the ground, and called him Kelsey. And Kelsey was given dominion over all things. And Timmeraque saw Kelsey, that is [sic] was bad.
Chapter 2
And Timmeraque commanded Kelsey not to partake of the fruit.
Chapter 3
And Kelsey partook of the fruit.
Chapter 4
And Kelseve bore many children. And they bore more children, until they filled the whole earth. And Kelsey and Kelseve died.
Chapter 5
And the descendants of Kelsey built a tower. And they were devided [sic] into many nations, speaking many languages.
Chapter 6
And David wasse born, and he sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage. But David kept it anyway.
Chapter 7
And David and his Kinsfolk were slaves in Egypt.

This is the end of the first
book of David, found upon the
scrolls of the Deade Sea of Gavie.

Sample of hyrogliphics used in the scroll:
SAMPLE: f(x)=ln(3x+4)^2
MEANING: "A mess of pottage."

Future translations look much more interesting. Sega Genesis appears to be mostly a background. Will send future ones. If next one is rejected, will discontinue translating for something better.

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