Friday, May 09, 2008

spring: a poem in four quartos

from: a collection of poems
by e. p. q. Kessler

Part Ⅱ

so you were on a promenade
on the path
and you encountered a tree
and you asked it
"why are your branches so tall"
and it said
"such that my fruits may not be reached by the lesser peoples"
and you said
"but who are the greater peoples"
and it said
"the squirrels"

Part Ⅰ

I walked along the pavement
it felt cool and hard
and i stumbled and fell
and as I arose I sau a grant tree
and I said to it
"whey are your brances so tall"
and it saide
"because so my furet can be teller and the best
people can reach it"
"but who are the best people"
"the squirrels"

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