Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Plethorax Of Towers

It was Serra, daughter of Inala, who built the first tower.

This was on the shores of the Sengris, where the water-lilies bloomed in spring, and the Teutons launched their invasions in fall. Serra had no objection to the former, but a great objection to the latter; and therefore she built her tower there. Six stories high it stood, and its stones of white marble; red they were stained with the blood of the Teutons that fall, 'til the rains washed them clean. So was the first tower built.

In following years, a settlement grew about the base of the Tower by the Sengris. Jer, son of Serra, was crowned on the tower's roof; Lem, Jer's son, undertook a restoration of the Tower, refurnishing the interior with lavishly-carved wood. In the reign of Ia, daughter of Jer, the Teutons took the tower; and so the dynasty of Inala ended.

At the time of the first tower's fall, the second was already under construction. Mele, daughter of Cir, had looked to the west and seen the weakness of Ia, and therefore thought it meet to have protection against the Teutons, when they came. This was, as it proved, quite wise; but still her tower, the Tower of the Isle, was incomplete when the Teutons arrived at her doorstep. The battle would be fought amid its scaffolding.

Victory was Mele's, in the end, but it was a victory hard won, for much damage had been done to the tower; the essential supports were intact, but much of the lower parts were left in ruin. Rather than repair them, Mele declared that while the tower would be completed, the damage from the battle would remain; a memorial, to those who had perished in the fighting. And in this was a curious gift; for many who came to see it, this proud Tower so defiant of the Teutons, declared its beauty all the greater for the wreckage at its base; a tragic beauty.

Here, as with the Tower by the Sengris, a town grew. The Teutons came again, in the reign of Karha and of Ilya and of Oro; and that last worthy by them was defeated. And so ended the dynasty of Cir.

The third tower was Ffor's, who erected it atop the Red Cliffs; scarcely after he began did the Teutons assault it. The battle was fierce, and the tower rose tall; and before its end, the world ended.

So this story remains inconclusive.

(No small credit to Tigala, which seems impossible to find an Internet reference to; my apologies. Also that other affair, referenced also in the previous post.)

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