Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Mormon Named Desmond

There once was a Mormon named Desmond
He lived an adventurous life
Free of the problems that stress would
Inflict upon committing strife

For he was an honorable Mormon
He was moral in every way
But there were those who sang songs that floored him
As they tried to lead him astray

And astray he went, for he empathized
With their sorrowful accusations
And he tried to stop them from emitting cries
By reversing his very own creation

He ended his life for the happiness
Of people, fools and rebels alike
But those adept in intelligence
Said that his would be the last strike

Against Mormonic values being spread
And they taught the fools and the rebels
That such actions in the future they should dread
To avoid being attacked with pebbles

And the vice-spreaders finally learned
That their ways were not to be encouraged
And a new leaf had been overturned
And the Modern Saint's funeral was flourished

And given decorations galore
And adorned with blues, reds, and yellows
And the knowledge to be learned was implored
That he was a jolly good fellow!


D McGhie said...

Remove this obscenity now.

Cavalcadeofcats said...

There was a discussion of free speech... I am loathe to act for the moment.

D McGhie said...

It's just David publishing through Kelsey's account again. It's not funny nor interesting. In fact it's downright annoying.

Cavalcadeofcats said...

Kelsey claimed today that he would censor it... I'll give him time.

Kelsey said...

FYI, Desmond, I do NOT appreciate your analysis of my work. I did put effort into this, no matter how minor, and you should be mature enough to realize that. The inclusion of a noun with negative connotations does not render a piece irrelevant.