Sunday, June 17, 2007

Nikoals the Wanderer

Nikolasuad was bourne in a smalle towne in the farre easte, where there wausse indeede a greate famyne, and there wasue a courne, and nikolas did go into the cayve to fetche itte, and the towne rejoicces, and yea, it wausse goode.

And they sang a song of nikolas:

Nikolas wausse a sillie little fellowe
and he lyved in the foreste amonge
the nymphes and the sprytes, and the elfes
and he often pransed arounde the trees
which wausse where he fertylysed them
with his bodilie fluides
and yea it wausse goode


Cavalcadeofcats said...

You should start writing the Chronicles again.

D McGhie said...

And it wausse badde. That's kind of gross, and all you have been doing is writing random and weird stories about nikkolausse