Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Kronnikles of Desmond, Chapter 6: The Magic Dragon King

The Kronnikles of Desmond
Chapter IIII
Desmond wasse bourne in Ice-Land, and hee wausse deade. As the cheiftain waurrioure of his villiage, hee wausse caulled vpon to go and vanqvishe the evil king of Ratte Nikoulasse. On hisse firste journie, Nikoulasse didde stoppe and slay elvies in the forest and wooudlandes, and he did collect manie and maine of theire droppyngs and he did starte a Fyre and he did use the droppings to summone the Magick Dragonne Kynge. And then nikoulasse sang a song, "Nikoulasse wasse a small woodland creaturre and he lived among the trees and nymphs and sprites".

EDITORS NOTE: David and I have decided that the Magic Dragon King is a drug reference. Just so you can understand this a little better.

AUTHORS NOTE: We never agreed to any such impropriety, and the Magic Dragon King is an innocent character with nothing to do with drugs of any kind.


Cavalcadeofcats said...

I like how it's 'Kronniklies, III" but Chapter IIII. (That's not even a Roman number!)

Kelsey Higham said...

I never agreed to your drug-related insanity...

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't there have been a Kronnikleis II and a chapters II and III?